Property Investment Property Scouts

Property Investment Property Scouts

House prices soar due to negative gearing??         So called experts get it wrong again


There are many theories as to why Australian housing prices have soared over the past decade, most of these so called experts look to peripheral factors with flimsy evidence to back up their claims.

Negative gearing is one of their pet factors where they claim it caused residential housing prices to soaring however, this has been government policy for over 25 years and their claims are flawed as I will explain later in this article. Negative gearing was originally designed to increase the rental housing supply and figures indicate that the policy is an outstanding success for both tenants and investors. Rental housing as indicated below in graph 1 now matches the home owners in value and any disruption to this policy will have major consequences of a downturn in the housing market.


Property Development Property Scouts

The obvious cause of soaring housing prices is the collapse in interest rates over the past 8 years, falling by as much as 6%, from 7.75% in 2008 to 1.75% in March 2016 as indicated in graph 2. The collapse in interest rates allows home buyers to borrow more against their current homes or investment property thus increasing the value of the housing stock. This spiral upwards is to the despair of first home buyers who struggle to catch up with the ever increasing values. Retirees also suffer as bank interest is no longer an option for retirement income.

Any political party looking to change the current negative gearing policy, do so at their own peril as the stampede to sell early will have catastrophic consequences on the Australian economy and unemployment.



Click here for more information about Property Investments in Property Scouts.

Level 1, 181 Bay Street, Brighton, VIC, 3186

T: (03) 9028 2660


Business Opportunities In Real Estate

Property Scouts Pty Ltd | Business Opportunity For Sale




Most people understand the concept of passive income; however few know how to make it happen!

Creating wealth is really about working smarter – not harder!

Life should be about enjoying your money – not spending your entire life accumulating it!



The steps taken after reading this may be the most financially rewarding ones you will ever take!

Becoming an affiliate of Property Scouts means that you could be well on your way to creating the life style you want and sooner than you may think!

Enjoying the fruits of your success can only be accomplished with the decisions you make TODAY!



We are the education arm of a property development group – Sovereign Acquisitions Fund. The Developer has an appetite for boutique “off market” property acquisitions. We invite you to become part of our Alliance network and become a referral source to Sovereign. We will provide you full training prior to entering this exciting domain and ongoing assistance to be the best you can be. Some of the techniques you will be learning and using are used by less than 1% of our population to acquire properties.

In an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing marketplace, a strategic alliance with Property Scouts and Sovereign offers the opportunity to expand your services and increase revenues without increasing your overheads.

You can now develop a unique selling proposition for your property business by implementing a strong differentiation strategy that will enhance your bottom line;

Benefit from the combined experience of numerous talented and experienced financial professionals;

As a member of the Strategic Alliance Program you will receive training and support designed to make growing your property empire as easy as possible; and

Become part of a group of like-minded business professionals and share in the ideas and the wealth creation this offers.


Become an affiliate today!

With great opportunity comes great income potential great income potential great income potential great income potential. Our tested system will allow you to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars over and over again, year in year out. The more time you put in, the greater the volume of opportunities = $$$$$$$$


A Wealth of Possibilities

Step 1: Spend an hour with us and review the entire program. Only then can YOU determine your full potential for success;
Step 2: Enroll in the program and allow our presenters to provide you all the knowledge you need to empower your real estate career; and

Step 3: Take YOUR future in YOUR hands and dedicate your time to building a portfolio that allows you to live the life YOU DESERVE.

It’s obligation free obligation free obligation free obligation free to attend and find out more. Devote an hour of your time to potentially change your life.
Register now at

Property Scouts Pty Ltd | Business Opportunity For Sale
Level 1, 181 Bay Street, Brighton, VIC, 3186
T: (03) 9028 2660


Business Opportunity For Sale Property Scouts

Business Opportunity For Sale Property Scouts



Property Scouts Pty Ltd are looking for eager individuals looking to make money in the residential and commercial property markets. As a Property Scout‚ you’ll been encouraged to focus on finding the BIG properties‚ the BIG deals‚ and the BIG opportunities‚ because they’re easier to acquire and more profitable for everyone involved (especially you!)

Key benefits:

•  No need for a real estate license!

•  Work either part time or full time!

•  You make money by finding us leads, or properties that fit our criteria!

•  You also make money by finding other developers or investors properties that fit their criteria!

•  You won’t need to buy stock!

•  You won’t need to pay rent for a shop or factory to sell your stock!

•  You won’t need to pay for an expensive fitout!

•  You don’t need to pay a franchisor out of your earnings!

•  All you need is transportation, a digital camera, a little time (in YOUR schedule) and a desire to make HUGE money!

•  We will give you the tools to earn a HUGE income!

•  Average remuneration for each transaction is $20,000!

•  Real examples of Property Scouts whom have earnt between $300,000 and $9,500,000 from a single transaction!

•  Once you join our team, our training and guidance provides you with the most effective ways to easily recognise the opportunities we’re looking for, how to canvas specific areas without back tracking or wasting time, how to easily submit your leads and the guidelines regarding how you will get paid for your effort!

•  The good news is, when we DO buy the property you sent us, you make BIG money!

•  Your Property Scout career is a LIFESTYLE choice, NO boss and WORK when you want too!

Who purchases the properties I introduce to Property Scouts?

Our investment arm “Sovereign Acquisitions Fund” purchases the properties for their own portfolio. They realised very early they cannot have Agents in all places at once to secure multiple boutique “Off The Market” deals. A specific criteria is set for the type of properties they require including a minimum return on investment.

Why do you purchase property using “Off The Market” transactions?

Most Investors use traditional methods like Auctions or “Off The Plan” transactions to purchase property and are forced like sheep to pay the maximum price. At Property Scouts, as we use various strategies to acquire properties, most times, at less than market price. We concentrate mainly on “Off The Market” transactions using “Property Options” as a tool of choice; being one of the many strategies we use. Our “Off The Market” purchasing strategies are proven in the market place and in the majority of cases result in significant savings for Investors.

How do I learn more about becoming a Property Scout?

Our next seminar is commencing soon so please register now to secure your seat. If you have been looking for a career that provides a lucrative income and leads to a secure financial future, then this may be exactly what you have been looking for. Call our service team on (03) 9028 2660 for an appointment to discuss your potential.

Click here to view the Due Diligence steps to nominate “Off The Market” properties to Sovereign Acquisitions Fund.

Business Opportunity For Sale Property Scouts

Level 1, 181 Bay Street, Brighton, VIC, 3186
T: (03) 9028 2660